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Highfield Assessment currently provides end-point assessment services for ST0299/IfATE v1.0/AP01 of this standard.
Apprentices who started their apprenticeship on or after 18/12/2018 will be assessed against ST0299/AP01.
Please note: IfATE has introduced the Flexibility Framework which removes the need to complete assessments in a certain order if stated in the assessment plan.
All general forms, guidance and support documents relating to end-point assessment are available here.
The EPA-kit is your complete guide to end-point assessment for this standard. The latest version can be found below:
The following documents must be submitted as part of the end-point assessment. Check the EPA-kit to determine when these must be submitted to Highfield.
Use our mock assessment materials to help prepare for end-point assessment. Guidance on how to conduct a mock assessment can be found in the EPA-kit. You can also access our online mock exams here.
Mock Knowledge Test 1 – Mark scheme
Mock Assessment Form – Simulated Observation with Questioning (PDF)
These guides are designed to prompt apprentices to think about how best to plan for their end-point assessment.
Think about…Simulated Observation (Editable)
Think about…Simulated Observation (Printable)
Apprenticeship Journey Guides
This guide provides a timeline for the end-point assessment process for this standard including the order of assessment activities.