Associate Project Manager | Apprenticeship Standard | Highfield Assessment
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Associate Project Manager

Highfield Assessment currently provides end-point assessment services for the ST0310/IfATE v1.3/AP03 version of this standard. 

  • Apprentices who started their apprenticeship on or after 21/04/2024 will be assessed against IfATE v1.4
  • Apprentices who started their apprenticeship before 21/04/2024 will be assessed against IfATE v1.3/AP03

All general forms, guidance and support documents relating to end-point assessment are available here.

The EPA-kit is your complete guide to end-point assessment for this standard. The latest version can be found below:


The following documents must be submitted as part of the end-point assessment. Check the EPA-kit to determine when these must be submitted to Highfield. 

Gateway Readiness Report

Portfolio Matrix

Use our mock assessment materials to help prepare for end-point assessment. Guidance on how to conduct a mock assessment can be found in the EPA-kit.

Mock Assessment Materials

This guide provides a timeline for the end-point assessment process for this standard including the order of assessment activities. 

Apprenticeship Journey Guide

The EPA-kit is your complete guide to end-point assessment for this standard. The latest version can be found below:


The following documents must be submitted as part of the end-point assessment. Check the EPA-kit to determine when these must be submitted to Highfield. 

Gateway Readiness Report

Portfolio Matrix

Written Submission Sheet

Project Mapping Document

Project Scoping Document

Use our mock assessment materials to help prepare for end-point assessment. Guidance on how to conduct a mock assessment can be found in the EPA-kit.

Mock Assessment Materials - Professional Discussion

Mock Assessment Materials - Written Project

These guides are designed to prompt apprentices to think about how best to plan for their end-point assessment.

Think about…Professional Discussion

Think about…Written Project Report

This guide provides a timeline for the end-point assessment process for this standard including the order of assessment activities. 

Apprenticeship Journey Guide